1758 - Charles Lawrence convenes the first meeting of the Nova Scotia Legislature in the Halifax Court House; this is the first elected Parliament in Canadian history.
Listen To KiSS & Get 250 Points Each Day
Lady Gaga Pair-a-Day Giveaway Bonus Codes:
Justin Bieber in Tampa Winning Weekend Bonus Codes:

6am: Magic
7am: Clearwater
8am: Tallahassee
9am: Toll
10am: Coastline
11am: Turnpike
Noon: Dolphins
1pm: Jacksonville
2pm: Heat
3pm: Sunshine
4pm: State
5pm: Crop
6pm: Recreation
7pm: Fishing
8pm: Tampa
9pm: Attendance
10pm: Mickey
11pm: Doll
No Bonus Codes Available Today
Oldies 1310
Listen To Oldies1310 & Get 100 Points Each Day
morning all
Good morning Angel, Mr. Red, pharmerphil, Pnnknn, Mr. E., Pitchingin, Betty Anne, Connie, Melmuff, DeVil, tulip, sweetdreams, reggae, J.P., Typhoon and everyone.
6am Justin B. bonus code: Magic
7am Justin B. bonus code: Clearwater
8am Justin B. bonus code: Tallahassee
Good Morning Angel, DeVil, Critic, Phil, Mr. E., J.P., Pitchingin, Stephanie, Sweetdreams, Connie, Typhoon, Betty Ann, and all :-)
Good Morning pharmerphil, Critic, Mr. Red, Mr. E., Angel, Betty Anne, MellMuff and all :)
Heading to my first official yoga class today. I should get out on my motorcycle since it is going to be decent this weekend.
Does anyone ride? I find the extra motivation helps.
9am JB Bonus Code: Toll
9am JB Bonus Code: Toll
9am Justin B. bonus code: Toll
Good morning everyone! It's the Wood Lovers Weekend at Upper Canada Village. I will be there today selling quilt raffle tickets. Please feel free to check out this event. It's a new event that they are hosting.
I am looking forward to tomorrow cuz I am going on Wakefield train.
10am Justin B. bonus code: Coastline
10am JB Bonus Code: Coastline
11am JB bonus code: Turnpike
11am JB Bonus Code: Turnpike
11am Justin B. bonus code: Turnpike
@ MelMuff - Sounds like you're going to have a GREAT weekend and the sun is out too. ENJOY it :)
12pm JB bonus code: dolphins
Noon Bonus Code: Dolphins
Noon Justin B. bonus code: Dolphins
1pm JB bonus code: is taking too long to be said; gotta run, picking a friend up from the airport.
1pm Justin B. bonus code: Jacksonville
2pm Bonus Code: Justin
2pm bonus code: Heat
2pm JB Bonus Code: Heat
2pm Justin B. bonus code: Heat
Ooops! I think the first 2pm Bonus Code: Justin was just a text bonus code :(
@ Mr. Red - it was. How many times have you "texted" it in already? :-)
3pm Justin B. bonus code: Sunshine
Rpm Bonus Code: Sunshine
@ Mr. E. - As huuuuge a fan of JB I am, I'm waaaaay to cheap to spend 25cts on a text. Q: Is that 25cts on top of the 15cts my provider (Virgin Mobile) will charge me, as I do not have a text plan on my personal cell phone? Plus I don't think my employer would appreciate unneccesary non-work related texts on my Crackberry for entries to see JB. LoL
I'm Back ;)
@ Mr. Red - to answer your question, yes.
@ Mr. Red - I'm sure a lot of those that do text in will be surprised by possible additional fees as you mention. However, it could pay off for somebody if the text entries are unlimited. $25 could buy an extra 100 entries and if you win, take the free trip to Florida and sell the tickets while down there for some spending money.
4pm JB bonus code: state
4pm Justin B. bonus code: State
5pm JB bonus code: rock?
6pm Justin B. bonus code: Recreation
5pm Justin B. bonus code: Crop
@ Pnnknn - Dang it! Somehow I was misinformed. That event is next weekend. I pretty well wasted my day selling tickets. I was booked to go somewhere else and canceled that for nothing. Now I have to go next weekend and cancel other places I had booked. My bad. LOL
7pm Justin B. bonus code: Fishing
8pm Justin B. bonus code: Tampa
8pm JB Bonus Code: Tampa
I have 2 (and may be able to get 1 more) day passes to the Metcalfe Fair. If you're interested, let me know ASAP. I'm giving readers here first shot, then I'll post them on RadioWall in about 30 minutes.
9pm JB Bonus Code: Attendance
9pm Justin B. bonus code: Attendance
10pm bonus code: mickey
10pm JB Bonus Code; Mickey
10pm Justin B. bonus code: Mickey
11pm JB Bonus Code: Doll
11pm bonus code: doll
Some Sunday Bieber Bonus Codes:
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