Friday, January 19, 2007

Sunday Jan 21

I'll be seeing all you crazy cats this afternoon
Saturday Jan 20
You know the drill. I'm sleeping in and trying on tuxes...BOOOOOOO
Friday Jan 19
Can you beleive that January is fast coming to a close? Where did time go. FOr all those who migth be out of the loop as to the event on Sunday Jan 21, at 2pm we're getting together for a little visit and a few drinks at The Royal Oak on Huntclub.

It's for no good reason other then to meet all the people we've been talking to for the last few months. Should be fun.

Todays woman winner is: Zhauna Siminskia

I came across this and almost died from laughter...This guy should get an award for contributing to humanity in a HUGE way.

Kiss FM

8am Shoutout: Sandy Ruiter

Sun Paper code: Kiss5489
Sun Online: Code1546

Limited time question: In this electronic age, do you feel your privacy is secure?(Till about 08:30 am)

Roll Call: Ryan Merriman
Community of the Day: Perth
Bonus code: belt (1,000pts) - updated. This is correct.Thanks grzzz

Brother Bob: Supremes

Radio Survey: 500pts

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Thursday Jan 18
It's gonna be a balmy -2 today. That's alot better than yesterday.

Helping - Can you give me some more specifics about this event? It's been a long week and I can't remember what I did yesterday.

Does anyone here have any affiliations or contacts at hotels?

REJOICE!!!! A guy won. Joshua Bolinko Congrats man.

Kiss FM
8:00am shout-out: Carol McGibbon

Paper Code: Kiss6597
Limited timed question for 50pts(till 8:30am - approx.):Is American Idol entertainment or exploitation?

Roll Call: Allan Snider
Community of the Day: Kemptville
Bonus Code: Clip (1,000pts)

Brother Bob: Beatles

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Wednesday Jan 17
Ok, this weather is killing me. -25? Where's the balmy weather of December gone?

GDamnit!!!!!8th trip winner: Suzie Vagkovik

Kiss FM
8am Shoutout: Dwain McGillvray

Paper Code: Kiss2000
Limited timed question for 50ptsDo you have your passport?

Community of the day: Merrickville
Roll Call: Cathy Laselle

Brother Bob: loyalty

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Tuesday Jan 16

Wow. it's freaking cold out there today. I want the weather from December back.

Kiss FM
8:00am shout-out: Megan Brown

Paper Code: Kiss8999

Limited timed question for 50pts: Can you imagine a world where France and England were the same country

Roll Call: Gary Nolan
Community of the Day: Mississippi Mills
Bonus Code: Pretzel (1,000pts)

Oldies 1310
Brother Bob: Clapton

Monday, January 15, 2007

Monday Jan 15....
Who in the hell ordered this dose of winter? I'm not into this at all. On another note the fella who runs the Y101 code site has broken his arm. He doesn't have computer access at home today so I'll post the y101 codes here for the day.

Todays trip winner is once again....a FREAKING WOMAN!!!! Trip winner today: Chantal (something....)...Congrats.

Kiss FM
8am shout out - Evan Seath
12pm shout-out: Rod McNeil

Paper Code: Kiss0336

Roll Call: Robert Clark
Community of the Day: Stittsville
Bonus code: Coffee (1,000pts)

Oldies 1310
Brother Bob's Secret word: Elvis

9am song: The Last Ten Years
12pm song: The Gambler

Paper Code: Y987
Bonus code: Goggles, Sandals