Friday, November 10, 2006

I'm just going to quickly address something cause I think it'll be fun. For any and all of you who don't appreciate the maintanence of this site here's one quick lil Kiss FM type Shoutout to you....EAT MY ASS!!! I don't see you contributing to the community other than posting your cowardly comments under the guise of an "Anonymous" poster. Here's a quarter go tell someone who gives a crap about what you have to say

I'm well aware that alot of the anon posters actually have something worthwhile to contribute (thanks for everything Missy. Sorry about this), but since I don't have the time to get into any flaming with little punks on a daily basis and noone wants to put up with that crap, going forward the Anonymous posting will be disabled. It's an unfortunate side effect of 1 ruining it for everyone else.

Now that's out of the way, have a great weekend folks.

8am Shoutout: Mimie Neacappo
12pm Shoutout: Raymond Soosay

Sun Online: Washer
Sun Paper: Clerk
Combo: Clerkwasher

Dixiechicks bonus: shutupandsing
Ottawa Police Code: recruiting
Newsletter Bonus: jingleball
Dollar It Code: christmascards


Community of the day: Kemptville
Roll call : Bill Dickson
Bonus code: shopping (1,000pts)
new question worth 500pts: Should Alfie be traded!!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Thursday, Nov. 9th
Sorry for yesterday folks. I wasn't near a computer but it seems that in my absence, we've hit a landmark on the site. Not only is it a great place to get Kiss FM codes and Jack FM codes, but now you can find a date too... LOL. Nice

Thurs 8am - Andre Demers

Sun Online: Outlet
Sun Paper: retail
combo codes: retailoutlet

Police Bonus: Childprint


Rollcall: Terry Tosh
Community: Merrickville
Bonus code: Spend

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Tuesday Nov 07

Gears of War comes out today...HAZAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! I think I might be up really late tonight. Well you asked for them and now the links are there to help make things easier for you guys....Easier?!? Does it get any easier?

8am Shoutout: Maeg Loyer

Sun Online: tranquilizer
Sun Paper: wildebeast
Combo code: wildebeasttranquilizer

1000 Pt code: plasmatv
Ottawa police code: homesecurity

Community of the Day: Perth
Roll Call: Kevin Dorey (this jerk in my best friend. I get 2 ppl to sign up and I don't get the Roll alls?)

Bonus code today: thousand

Monday, November 06, 2006

Monday Nov 6.

Hooray for Monday....

8am Shoutout: Cam Simmonds
12pm Shoutout: Alyssa Greeberg

Sun Paper: Vampire
Sun Online: Bat
combo code: vampirebat

Police: Bourbon
Some random code...I dunno where from but it's 1000pts: voodoo

Jack FM
Community of the Day: Smiths Falls
Roll Call: David Fleming
Bonus Code : Cash