Saturday, December 13, 2008

Today is the 1st day of Christmas, and according to the latest statistics from PNC Wealth Management, the price tag for The Twelve Days Of Christmas is $86,609.

Day 1: A Partridge in a Pear Tree ($220 - last year $165)

Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Lights

New Event
Chevrolet (100pts)
Chevrolet Bonus Code: 789 (250pts)

Mamma Mia Winning Weekend Bonus Codes:!

6am: Jukebox
7am: Musical
8am: Diary
9am: Divorce
10am: Donna
11am: Dynamos
Noon: Secret
1pm: Swedish
2pm: DNA
3pm: Propose
4pm: Waterloo
5pm: Sophie
6pm: ????????
7pm: Rosie
8pm: Party
9pm: Dream
10pm: Prop
11pm: Audience
12am: Costume
1am: Recording

Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Lights

New Event
Chevrolet (100pts)
Chevrolet Bonus Code: 789 (250pts)

Oldies 1310
Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Lights

New Event
Chevrolet (100pts)
Chevrolet Bonus Code: 789 (250pts)

7:15am: Flicks
11:15am: Burnt
5:15pm: Plug
8:15pm: ??????

Friday, December 12, 2008

On This Day In Canadian History....

1969 - Royal Canadian Navy retires aircraft carrier HMCS Bonaventure after 12 years of service; later sold for scrap. FYI: My uncle served aboard the Bonaventure when he was in the navy.

Grand In Your Hand $1000 Pay Song:
8am: Kid Rock - All Summer Long
Noon: Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends
4pm: 3 Doors Down - Kryptonite
8pm: Maroon 5 - Won't Go Home Without You

KiSS Club Question: What should the city do with the striking transit workers?
Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Skates

Ottawa Sun Newspaper Bonus Code: Chance

Mamma Mia Winning Weekend Bonus Codes:

6pm: Playwright
7pm: Abba
8pm: Super
9pm: Dancing
10pm: Queen
11pm: Greece
12am: Father
1am: Wedding

RollCall: Bo Howe
Community of the Day: Toledo
Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Skates

Oldies 1310
Secret Word: Have
Garlic King's Elvis Trivia: Mike McCoy
Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Skates
Brother Bob Summertime Looney Tune: Ghoulish things
Lincoln Field's Shopping Centre's Double Double: Petula Clark

7:15am: Binding (Extra Bonus Code)
7:15am: Roll
11:15am: Vault
5:15pm: Flip
8:15pm: Tumble

Thursday, December 11, 2008

On This Day In Canadian History....

1911 - Alberta brings in first Motor Vehicles Act; sets speed limit in towns and cities at 15 mph, and at 20 mph in less settled areas; outside urban areas, drivers required to slow down to 6 mph when approaching or passing pedestrians and horses, and to assist any horseman who required assistance; drivers required to take out a license, must be over 16 if a boy or over 18 if a young lady.

Grand In Your Hand $1000 Pay Song:
8am: Lifehouse - Hanging By A Moment
Noon: Pink - U + Ur Hand
4pm: Cranberries - Dreams
8pm: Lenka - The Show

KiSS Club Question: Which side of the transit strike are you on?
Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Song

RollCall: Amy Turner
Community of the Day: Lombardy
Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Song

Oldies 1310
Secret Word: Again
Garlic King's Elvis Trivia: Rusty Wells
Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Song
Brother Bob Summertime Looney Tune: Upsot
Lincoln Field's Shopping Centre's Double Double: The Chordettes

7:15am: Jacket
11:15am: Goggles
5:15pm: Hat
8:15pm: No Code Given :-(

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

On This Day In Canadian History....

1918 - Government authorizes issue of $50 million of $5 War Savings Stamps.

Grand In Your Hand $1000 Pay Song:
8am: Daughtry - Over You
Noon: No Doubt - Just A Girl
4pm: Coldplay - Viva La Vida
8pm: Jon McLaughlin - Beating My Heart

KiSS Club Question: How long do you think this Transit strike will last?
Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Toy

RollCall: Phil Irving
Community of the Day: Balderson
Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Toy

Oldies 1310
Secret Word: Really
Garlic King's Elvis Trivia: May 1, 1967
Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Toy
Brother Bob Summertime Looney Tune: Pittsburgh
Lincoln Field's Shopping Centre's Double Double: The Bee Gees

7:15am: Sled
11:15am: Ski
5:15pm: Pole
8:15pm: Wax

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Poll results for "If You Were Governor General You'd....", based on 80 responses.

60 votes(75%)......Bitch Slap Dion, Duceppe, and Layton
08 votes(10%)......Install A Coalition Gov't
07 votes(08%)......Prorogue Parliament
05 votes(06%)......Call An Election

Grand In Your Hand $1000 Pay Song:
8am: Matchbox Twenty - Push
Noon: Gnarls Barkley - Crazy
4pm: 3 Doors Down - It's Not My Time
8pm: Lenka - The Show

KiSS Club Question: Is a 4.9 percent property tax increase the best city council could do for you?
Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Rooftop

RollCall: Angela Rathwell
Community of the Day: Pakenham
Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Rooftop

Oldies 1310
Secret Word: Debate
Garlic King's Elvis Trivia: King Creole
Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Rooftop
Brother Bob Summertime Looney Tune: A Veggie Slicer
Lincoln Field's Shopping Centre's Double Double: Barry Manilow

7:15am: Melt
11:15am: Crazy
5:15pm: Carpet
8:15pm: Saucer

Monday, December 08, 2008

On this date 28 years ago the world lost John Lennon....

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

Grand In Your Hand $1000 Pay Song:
8am: Coldplay - Viva La Vida
Noon: The Fray - You Found Me
4pm: Timbaland F/OneRepublic - Apologize
8pm: Nickelback - Gotta Be Somebody

KiSS Club Question: Do you have a plan in place in case there is a transit strike Wednesday?
Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Rudolph

New Events:
The Works (100pts)
The Ottawa Mission (100pts)
The Ottawa Mission Bonus Code: Love (2500pts)

RollCall: Don Harrison
Community of the Day: Oompah
Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Rudolph

New Event:
Carleton Refrigeration, Heating & Air Conditioning (100pts)

Oldies 1310
Secret Word: Speech
Garlic King's Elvis Trivia: All Shook Up
Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Rudolph
Brother Bob Summertime Looney Tune: Terrance
Lincoln Field's Shopping Centre's Double Double: The Tymes

New Event:
Carleton Refrigeration, Heating & Air Conditioning (100pts)

7:15am: Late
11:15am: Early
5:15pm: Back
8:15pm: Black

Sunday, December 07, 2008

On This Day In Canadian History....

1907 - Christmas seals first sold to help fight tuberculosis. The Seals were placed in envelopes on which the following message was printed:

"Put this stamp with message bright
On every Christmas letter;
Help the tuberculosis fight,
And make the New Year better.
These stamps do not carry any kind of mail
but any kind of mail will carry them."

Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Present

Ottawa Sun Nickelback Bonus Code: Somebody
Nickelback Winning Weekend Bonus Codes:

6am: Hero
7am: Santana
8am: Night
9am: Someday
10am: Baritone
11am: Canadian
Noon: Remind
1pm: Vancouver
2pm: Rockstar
3pm: Founder
4pm: Long
5pm: Road
6pm: All
7pm: Right
8pm: Reasons
9pm: Good
10pm: Dark
11pm: Horse

Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Present

Oldies 1310
Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Present

7:15am: Bow
11:15am: Evergreen
5:15pm: Bulb
8:15pm: Sugar