Friday, December 15, 2006

Weekend posts - Sat Dec 16 - Sun Dec 17

I don't have computer or internet access until Monday folks (I may get a minute tomorrow at th out-laws place - we'll see) . My computer at home is dead and I can't be bothered to fix it until after Xmas. Have a great weekend and I'll be back on Monday if not sooner.
Dec 15

Exactly 1 week until my Christmas Holidays start. BOOOYAH!!! Nice weather coming this way too. I just hope that we get at least 3-5 cm of Snow in time for Christmas.

On a side note, does anyone here have an idiotic "in-law" that acts like a complete and utter freak? We do and man is she a fruit cake.

Kiss Fm

8:00am shout-out: Debbie Lackey

Sun Online: Superhero
Sun Paper: Hangglider
Sun Combo: Hangglidersuperhero

24Hr bonus code: Replicon


Roll Call: Steve King
Community of the Day: Carleton Place
Bonus code: Pizza(1,000pts)

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Thursday Dec 14
Holy crap the week is flying by isn't it? I guess I'll posty the Y101 codes until my buddy decides to get back on it more regularly.

Kiss FM

8am Shoutout: Tyler Lawson

Sun Online: Cretaceous
Sun Paper: Tertiary
Sun Combo: Tertiarycretaceous

24hr Bonus: Thequeen

Jack FM

Community of the day: Perth
Roll Call: Ray Huet

Bonus Code: dress(1,000pts)


Fitness Depot Code(Kanata): Yogamat

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Wednesday Dec 13
This is a message directed to our good friend Helping - Try clearing out your temporary internet files and you cookies. That should fix the problem. I had the same problem once before and after I did that it was all good.

Sun Online: Moguls
Sun Paper: Joe
Combo code: joemoguls

24Hr Bonus: parallax

There's a new opinion here too.

Jack FM

Community of the Day: Smith Falls
Roll Call: Kathy Wyatt
bonus code: muffin (1,000pts)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Tuesday Nov 12

Sorry for yesterday folks. Got held up by a freaking serviceman all damn day. I also don't have internet at home just yet.

In another note, I'm getting the royal screw job by PC Financial Insurance so I need to get some more insurance. Anyone here deal with any of these scam artists who actually give a decent price?

Update #2 - OK OK!!! I'll continue with the Christmas updates just for some of you - Less than 2 weeks until Christmas folks. HOLY SNAPPIN!!!!

8:00am Shoutout: Louise Leduc

Sun Online: debating
Sun Paper: mountainous
Sun Combo: mountainousdebating

24 hour Bonus: orpheus

Roll Call: Marc Leblanc
Comminity of the day: Stittsville
Bonus code (1000pts): Shower