Monday, August 02, 2010

It's the Civic Holiday Weekend. Depending on where you live you'll be celebrating the life and achievements of John G. Simcoe, the 1st Lt-Governor of Ontario (Toronto); Joseph Brant, Mohawk Chief and hero of the War of 1812 (Brantford); Colonel R. S. McLaughlin, brought General Motors to Oshawa; Alexander MacKenzie, Canada's 2nd P.M. (Sarnia) and of course, here in Ottawa we're celebrating Colonel John By, best remembered for supervising the construction of the Rideau Canal

Listen To Kiss Fm & Get 250 Points Each Day

New Events:
Starr Gymnastics (100pts)
Preston Hardware/Toolfest 2010 (100pts)
Minto Suite Hotel (100pts)
Minto Suite Bonus Code: FourDiamond (2500pts)

New Events:
Preston Hardware/Toolfest 2010 (100pts)
Minto Suite Hotel (100pts)
Minto Suite Bonus Code: FourDiamond (2500pts)

Oldies 1310
Secret Word: Stay
5@5 Theme: Me and....

New Event: Preston Hardware/Toolfest 2010 (100pts)

Listen To Oldies1310 & Get 100 Points Each Day


Mr. E. said...

@ Mr. Red

Check out yesterday's blog posts if you haven't already. I suspect that you will enjoy a good laugh from one of my posts.

DeVil said...

good morning everyone

just stopping by quickly to post an entry about 3 new events

Minto Suite Hotel for 100 pts &
Bonus Code --> fourdiamond

Starr Gymnastics

Preston Hardware/Toolfest
[there is a bonus code somewhere on the site - good luck in finding it]

pharmerphil said...

good morning all, hot water tank leaking - not the way to start a holiday Monday. Sucks to be me!

Mr. E. said...

From CHEZ's Facebook:

Joey Bowden Why can't I fill in the blank for the Minto Suites?

critic said...

@Mr. E.

Did you tell Joey that it was because he is not a 5th grader?

Angel said...

Good Afternoon Mr. Red, Mr. E., DeVil, Phil, Critic & all :-)

Oldies 1310
Secret Word: Stay

5@5 Theme: Me and....

sweetdreams said...

@ Angel. Thanks for adding the Oldies Bonus codes on the KISS site , because I thought that Oldies was on holidays..I was not even goimg to go on the Yblog today...

Angel said...


You're very welcome!