Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tuesday July 17

Kiss FM
8am: Rihanna: Umbrella
12pm: Crowded House - Don't Dream It's Over
4pm: Plain White T's - Hey Delilah
8pm: Carrie Underwood - Before He Cheats

Limited time question: (100pts)Does the lower price for gas change your vacation plans?

RollCall: Debbie Armstrong
Community of the Day: Franktown

Oldies 1310
Brother Bob: Nose
Meadows Golf Trivia: Public

The Bear
7:15am: GolfCart
11:15am: HogsBack
5:15pm: Pathway
8:15pm: Jam

Song Selection played at:
Sun OnLine: Flame
Sun Paper: Salad
24hr Paper: Tourist


Mr. Red said...

Because I'm not hosting this blog today, I can say, "Whoo Hooo, I'm first!!!" and it wouldn't be impolite. But I won't I'm above that. :-)

Mr. Red said...

8am VIP Song: Rihanna - Umbrella
ella, ella, ella, ella,. What annoying pablum, YUCK!!

Mr. Red said...

@ Crazyness

Hey dude, how's it hanging?

cookie said...

Good morning everyone!! :))

Josh said...

It's hangin' long flacid and always to the left my friend.

Carolyn said...

12 noon: Don't dream it's over

IAmListening said...

Kiss 4pm song :
Plain White T's: Hey There Delilah

Helping1000 said...


8am song: Fergie: Big Girls Don't Cry