Friday, July 20, 2007

Friday July 20, 2007

It's Friday...Need I say any more?

Kiss FM
8am: Carrie Underwood - Before He Cheats
12pm:Bow Wow Wow - I Want Candy
4pm: Sean Kingston - Beautiful Girls
8pm: Fergie - Big Girls Don't Cry
I see a theme happenin' here: Big girls not crying, eating candy while planning revenge on their soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend before he cheats with other beautiful girls.

KISS Caribana Winning Weekend Bonus Codes:
3pm: Caribana
4pm: SeanPaul
5pm: Neyo
6pm: ???
7pm: Exhibition
8pm: Caribbean
9pm: Cuisine

KISS Newsletter Bonus Code: PAAARTY
Limited time question: (50pts)Will you buy or read the latest Harry Potter book

Jack FM
Community of the Day: Black's Corners
RollCall: James Seeker

Oldies 1310
Brother Bob: Ticket
Golf Trivia: 4 Tee Decks

The Bear
7:15am: ChuckandLarry
5:15pm: Portman
8:15pm: Duff

Song Selection played at: 3pm-4pm
Sun OnLine: Scuba
Sun Paper: Mountie
24hr Paper: Aviation


Mr. Red said...

KISS CLUB Question = 50 Points
Will you buy or read the latest Harry Potter book?

Mr. Red said...

8am VIP Song: Carrie Underwood - Before He Cheats

Minbari said...

Anyone else notice the newsletter bonus code doesn't work?

cookie said...

Good morning everyone!! :))

doc-j said...

it worked for me

morning all

Minbari said...

@ all: Yes it just worked for me now... but not the first four tries.

Carolyn said...

12 noon: I want candy

Anonymous said...

kiss 4 code is
sean paul

Anonymous said...

the newsletter code didn't work for me for quite awhile either

IAmListening said...

4:00 Kiss VIP song:
Sean Kingston: Beautiful Girls

Anonymous said...

the 4 code should be all one word

Trish said...

If you copy and paste PAAARTY into the bonus, be sure that you don't have a space at the beginning. The letter P has to be right up against the side of the space. I copied and pasted it in and that is what I was doing.

lucky said...

3pm: caribana
4pm: seanpaul
5pm: neyo
7pm: exhibition

Trish said...

8pm code: Carribean ........

Did anyone get the 6pm code?

lucky said...

Kiss 8pm word is spelled - caribbean

Mr. Red said...

9pm Bonus Code: Cuisine

Trish said...

Well here is the website and some information about Caribana. Maybe we can figure out what the missing word is???

Join Sean Paul, Ne-Yo, Destra and many other artists as they all perform on 1 stage! 1 Voice. 1 People. 1 Love.

The Caribana Festival is an exciting two-week cultural explosion of Caribbean music, cuisine, revelry as well as visual and performing arts. In its 40th year it has become a major international event and the largest cultural festival of its kind in North America. As Carnival is an international cultural phenomenon, the great metropolis of Toronto and its environs will come alive as the city explodes with the pulsating rhythms and melodies of Calypso, Soca, Reggae, Hip Hop, Chutney, Steel Pan and Brass Bands. This colourful exhibition and display of genius is truly a musical panorama that is certain to bring a pleasing smile to the ancestral titans of Pan and Calypso music.

Caribana Festival is an expression of Toronto’s multicultural and multiracial society. An increasing number of attendees and participants come from the US and overseas. The events are planned months in advance. The costumes and mas band displays are elaborate and oh so delicately worn and designed for movement. Move they do, in a breath-taking spectrum of colours that is best refl ected in the King and Queen Showcase on Parade Day. No Caribana Festival is complete without African Drumming along with the Arts and Crafts displays celebrating “Things Caribbean”!

In 2007, the Caribana Festival season is destined to be six (6) weeks culminating in the pinnacle of Parade Day on the Lakeshore with a kaleidoscope of music, colourful costumes, theatrical mas band displays, steel bands beating intricate orchestrations coupled with mouth watering feasts of Caribbean cuisine and delicacies.

Thanks Lucky for correcting the spelling of the word caribbean. I copied it incorrectly into the bonus and still couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong, I guess it's been a long day.

Trish said...

I played a hunch as they had seanpaul and neyo I tried Destra and that works and she is the other name listed.

fella said...

6:00am code: multicultural