Tuesday, August 30, 2011

On This Day In Canadian History....

1611 - Newly appointed Governor John Guy issues Newfoundland's first laws; to protect forests and harbours and regulate the fishery.

Poll results for "Where Did You Go On Your Summer Vacation? (Multiple Answers Allowed)", based on 61 responses....

17 votes(27%)......I worked in/around the house and/or garden
17 votes(27%)......Went to the cottage
17 votes(27%)......I did not take/get a vacation
10 votes(16%)......On my couch and/or hammock in the back yard with a "cold one"
09 votes(14%)......The United States
08 votes(13%)......A Staycation within the Eastern Ontario/West Quebec region
06 votes(09%)......Travelled within the Windsor- Quebec City coridor
06 votes(09%)......The Maritimes
03 votes(04%)......Went camping
02 votes(03%)......Northern Ontario/Quebec
02 votes(03%)......The West Coast
02 votes(03%)......Europe/Asia/Africa/Austrailia
01 votes(01%)......The Caribbean
00 votes(00%)......The Prairie Provinces

ViP Song:
8am: Bruno Mars - Lazy Song
Noon: Nicki Minaj - Super Bass
4pm: Lupe Fiasco - The Show Goes On
8pm: LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem

24Hr Patio Patrol Bonus Code: Nachos

KiSS Listen Live Button (250pts)

Word of the Day: Textbook
Community of the Day: Westboro

1310 News
Insider of the Day: Natasha Monno
Guaranteed Daily High: 25 degrees

CHEZ Listen Live Button (100pts)


pharmerphil said...

Good morning folks.

critic said...

24H Patio Patrol Bonus code: Nachos

Mr. Red said...

Good Morning Angel, Critic, Pnnknn, Phil, Mr. E., J.P., Pitchingin, Sweetdreams, Connie, Typhoon, Betty Anne, and all :-)


Insider of the Day: Natasha Monno

Guaranteed Daily High: 25 degrees

critic said...

Jack FM

Word Of The Day: Textbook
Community Of The Day: Westboro

Mr. Red said...

8am ViP Song: Bruno Mars - Lazy Song

critic said...

8pm VIP Song: LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem

critic said...

ViP Songs:

Noon: Nicki Minaj - Super Bass
4pm: Lupe Fiasco - The Show Goes On