Wednesday, March 10, 2010

On This Day In Canadian History....

1876 - Alexander Graham Bell makes the first successful test of his new invention, the telephone, a month after patenting the device. He transmits the first intelligible speech, room to room, telling his assistant, 'Come here, Watson. I need you.' Back at his father's house in Brantford Ontario on August 3, he makes the first building-to-building call with his uncle David Bell, and a year later sets up the world's first telephone service in Hamilton, with four customers.

ViP Song:
8:00am: Timbaland F/ Nelly Furtado - Morning After Dark
Noon: I Do Not Hook Up - Kelly Clarkson
4:00pm: Already Gone - Kelly Clarkson
8:00pm: The Man Who Can't Be Moved - The Script

Listen To Kiss Fm & Get 250 Points Each Day

Black Eyed Peas In Vancouver Winning Weekend Early Bird Bonus Code: Fergie

Word of the day: Jail
Community of the day: Oxford Mills

Oldies 1310
5 @ 5: Evil
Secret Word: Bring
Solid Gold Trivia: Badfinger
Back In The Day Trivia: 9 Days
Lincoln Field's Shopping Centre's Double Double: Buffalo Springfield

Listen To Oldies1310 & Get 100 Points Each Day


Mr. Red said...

Good Morning Angel & all :-)

Black Eyed Peas In Vancouver Winning Weekend Early Bird Bonus Code: Fergie

Mr. Red said...

8am ViP Song: Timbaland F/ Nelly Furtado - Morning After Dark

Angel said...

Good Morning Mr. Red & all :-)

Angel said...

12pm VIP song: I Do Not Hook Up - Kelly Clarkson

4pm VIP song: Already Gone - Kelly Clarkson