Wednesday, December 30, 2009

On This Day In Canadian History....

1941 - Winston Churchill arrives in Ottawa after his talks with President Roosevelt over strategy to win the war against Germany. In his Chateau Laurier studio, Yousef Karsh snaps this famous photo of a scowling Churchill - by telling him to pose without his cigar. In a speech to Parliament that evening, he quips, 'Hitler thought that England would have her neck wrung like a chicken... Some chicken... some neck.'

ViP Song:
8:00am: Jordan Sparks - Batttlefield
Noon: Daughtry - No Surprise
4:00pm: Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me
8:00pm: Black Eyed Peas - Meet Me Halfway
Ottawa Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Sparkles

Ottawa Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Sparkles

Oldies 1310
Secret Word: Record
Ottawa Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Sparkles


Mr. Red said...

Ottawa Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Sparkles

Mr. Red said...

Good Morning Angel & all

8am ViP Song: Jordan Sparks - Batttlefield

Angel said...

Good Afternoon Mr. Red & all :-)

12pm VIP song: Daughtry - No Surprise

4pm VIP song: Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me

Anonymous said...

8:00 pm song- Blackeye peas- Meet me halfway