Monday, December 07, 2009

On This Day In Canadian History....

1907 - Christmas Seals first sold to help fight tuberculosis. The Seals were placed in envelopes on which the following message was printed:

"Put this stamp with message bright
On every Christmas letter;
Help the tuberculosis fight,
And make the New Year better.
These stamps do not carry any kind of mail
but any kind of mail will carry them."

ViP Song:
8:00am: Lady GaGa - Bad Romance
Noon: Faber Drive - G-Get Up And Dance
4:00pm: Rob Thomas - Her Diamonds
8:00pm: Kelly Clarkson - Already Gone
Ottawa Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Rudolph
Limited Time am Future Shop Bonus Code: BluRay
Limited Time pm Future Shop Bonus Code: Wii
Susan Boyle Winning Weekend Early Bird Bonus Code: Scottish

New Events: (100pts)
Future Shop
Dentistry @ Cedarview2
Dentistry @ Cedarview2 Bonus Code: Digital (2500pts)
Trillium College (100pts)
Trillium College Bonus Code: Holiday Wish

Word of the day: Whale
Community of the day: Westport
Ottawa Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Rudolph

New Event: (100pts)

Oldies 1310
5 @ 5: December Birthdays
Secret Word: Green
Back In The Day Trivia: Hit A Baseball
Time Warp Trivia-True North Edition: Wireless Wizard
Ottawa Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Rudolph
Lincoln Field's Shopping Centre's Double Double: Gary Lewis & The Playboys

New Event: (100pts)


Mr. Red said...

Ottawa Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Rudolph

Mr. Red said...

New Events: (100pts)

Future Shop

KISS Club VIPs...listen for special bonus codes twice daily: weekday mornings with Carter & Sandra and on the drive home with Jeff Graham for a chance to win a $100 Gift Card from Future Shop. Enter the codes into your KISS Club VIP account to win!

Dentistry @ Cedarview2

Visit their website at to find out more of their green initiatives. While you're there, fill in the blank of the following phrase, and use it as a bonus code for 2,500 points

Fill in the blank: We're proud of our eco-friendly office featuring low radiation __________ x-rays and intra-oral cameras, allowing x-rays to be taken quickly and accurately and allowing you to easily view images of your teeth on our large ceiling monitor.

Visit for holiday ideas, advice and more.

Plus enter to WIN a trip for two to the Dominican Republic.

Mr. Red said...

Dentistry @ Cedarview2 Bonus Code: Digital (2500pts)

Mr. Red said...

Future Shop Bonus Code: BluRay

Enter BEFORE 8:45am for an entry to win a $100 Future Shop Gift Card

Mr. Red said...

Good Morning Angel & all :-)

8am KiSS ViP Song: Lady GaGa - Bad Romance

Mr. Red said...

Susan Boyle Winning Weekend Early Bird Bonus Code: Scottish

Angel said...

12pm VIP song: Faber Drive - G-Get Up And Dance

Angel said...

Future Shop bonus code: Wii

Angel said...

New Event: Trillium College (100pts)

Bonus Code: Holiday Wish (2500pts)

Angel said...

4pm VIP song: Rob Thomas - Her Diamonds