Wednesday, December 16, 2009

On the 4th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me....

A Partridge in a Pear Tree ($160 x 4 = $640)
2 Turtle Doves ($56 x 3 = $168)
3 French Hens ($45 x 2 = $90)
4 Calling Birds ($600 - same price as last year)
Sub-Total = $1498

ViP Song:
8:00am: Owl City - Fireflies
Noon: Shinedown - Second Chance
4:00pm: Black Eyed Peas - Meet Me Halfway
8:00pm: Madonna - Miles Away
Ottawa Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Snow Angels

Word of the day: Winter
Community of the day: Dundas
Ottawa Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Snow Angels

Oldies 1310
5 @ 5: Blue
Secret Word: Official
Back In The Day Trivia: 2
Time Warp Trivia-True North Edition: A Buyer for Eaton's Department Stores
Ottawa Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Snow Angels
Lincoln Field's Shopping Centre's Double Double: Olivia Newton John


Mr. Red said...

Happy 4th Day of Christmas Angel & all :-)

Ottawa Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Snow Angels

Mr. Red said...

8am ViP Song: Owl City - Fireflies

Angel said...

Happy 4th Day of Christmas Mr. Red & all :-)

Angel said...

12pm VIP song: Shinedown - Second Chance

Angel said...

4pm VIP song: Black Eyed Peas - Meet Me Halfway

Mr. Red said...

8pm ViP Song: Madonna - Miles Away