Tuesday, November 24, 2009

On This Day In Canadian History....

1830 - Matthew Whitworth-Aylmer, Lord Aylmer appointed Governor-in-Chief of Lower Canada; serves from Feb. 4, 1831 to Aug. 24, 1835

Poll results for "Do You Believe The Mayan Calendar Forcasts The End Of The World On Dec. 21, 2012?", based on 68 responses....

64 votes(94%)......No - They couldn't foresee their end in the 14th century
04 votes(05%)......Yes - John Cusak & Company made me a believer

ViP Song:
8:00am: Shinedown - Second Chance
Noon: Coldplay - Viva La Vida
4:00pm: Kings of Leon - Use Somebody
8:00pm: The Killers - Spaceman
KiSS Music Survey Bonus Code: SantaClaus (1000pts)
Ottawa Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Joyful
Cancun/Westjet Winning Weekend Early Bird Bonus Code: BeachVacation

Word of the day: Venom
Community of the day: Kanata
Ottawa Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Joyful

Oldies 1310
5 @ 5: Between Jobs
Secret Word: While
Back In The Day Trivia: Minutemen
Time Warp Trivia-True North Edition: More Than 400 Thousand
Ottawa Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Joyful
Lincoln Field's Shopping Centre's Double Double: Carpenters


Mr. Red said...

Ottawa Virtual Holiday Mall Bonus Code: Joyful

Mr. Red said...

Good Morning Angel & all

8am ViP Song: Shinedown - Second Chance

Mr. Red said...

Cancun/Westjet Winning Weekend Early Bird Bonus Code: BeachVacation

Angel said...

12pm VIP song: Coldplay - Viva La Vida

J.P. said...

4pm VIP song: Kings of Leon - Use Somebody