Saturday, September 26, 2009

On This Day In Canadian History....

1826 - Incorporation of Bytown; becomes City of Ottawa in 1855.

Jamaica/Westjet Winning Weekend Bonus Code:

6am: Tourism
7am: Sprint
8am: Rhythmic
9am: Spanish
10am: Atlantic
11am: Jammin
Noon: Caribbean
1pm: Sea
2pm: Breeze
3pm: Harbour
4pm: Flow
5pm: Settlement
6pm: Land
7pm: Wood
8pm: Anglophone
9pm: Portland
10pm: Rum
11pm: Fishing


Oldies 1310


Mr. Red said...

6am Bonus Code: Tourism

Mr. Red said...

Oooops! I forgot my manners in my 6am haze. Good Morning Angel & all :-)

7am Bonus Code: Sprint

Little Erky Perky said...

7 am kiss code: sprint

Anonymous said...

8am kiss code: rhythmic

Little Erky Perky said...

8 AM KISS:rhytmic

Mr. Red said...

9am Bonus Code: Spanish

Angel said...

Good Morning Mr. Red & all :-)

10am bonus code: Atlantic

Little Erky Perky said...

10 am kiss code: atlantic

Angel said...

@Mr. Red

I have a wedding today so I won't be much help after 2pm.

Mr. Red said...

@ Angel

No problem, have fun,but not too much fun....I don't want to hear stories about you dancing on a table to "Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy"!

I'll try to listen as I run my errands and blog via my crackberry. If that fails, we always have Typhoons audio recorder to fall back on.

Angel said...

11am bonus code: Jammin

@Mr. Red

Anonymous said...

12:00 noon kiss code: caribbean

Angel said...

1pm bonus code: Sea

Mr. Red said...

2pm Bonus Code: Breeze

Mr. Red said...

3pm Bonus Code: Harbour

Mr. Red said...

6pm Bonus Code: Land

Mr. Red said...

8pm Bonus Code: Anglephone

Typhoon said...

4pm bonus code: flow

5pm bonus code: settlement

7pm bonus code: wood

Mr. Red said...

@ Typhoon

Thanks Dude! I knew you'd come through. :-)

Typhoon said...

@ Mr Red

You're very welcome. By the way I think the 8pm code is spelled anglophone. It works that way anyway.

Mr. Red said...

9pm Bonus Code: Portland

Mr. Red said...

10pm Bonus Code: Rum

Mr. Red said...

11pm Bonus Code: Fishing