Saturday, August 01, 2009

It's the Civic Holiday Weekend. Depending on where you live you'll be celebrating the life and achievements of John G. Simcoe, the 1st Lt-Governor of Ontario (Toronto); Joseph Brant, Mohawk Chief and hero of the War of 1812 (Brantford); Colonel R. S. McLaughlin, brought General Motors to Oshawa; Alexander MacKenzie, Canada's 2nd P.M. (Sarnia) and of course, here in Ottawa we're celebrating KiSS Fm's Jason Mraz Week.

Jason Mraz Week:
7am: You and I Both
1pm: I'm Yours
6pm: Lucky


Oldies 1310

Virgin Radio 106.9


Mr. Red said...

Good Morning Angel & all :-)

Courtesy of RogersRadio Blog....

mumo100 said...

7 a.m. Jason Mraz Week

You And I Both

Angel said...

Good Morning Mr. Red & all :-)

Mr. Red said...

1pm Jason Mraz Song: I'm Yours

Angel said...

6pm Jason Mraz song: Lucky