Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ottawa rocks with Cisco System's Bluesfest. Here is Tuesday's schedule....

Bank of America Stage
7:00 pm Ice Cube
9:30 pm Our Lady Peace

Barney Danson Theatre
6:15 pm Disguises
7:30 pm Joe Pug
9:00 pm Matt Andersen

Blacksheep Stage
6:15 pm Marc Charron
7:45 pm DNA
9:30 pm Spam Allstars

Hard Rock Cafe Stage
6:30 pm The Allrights
7:45 pm Joe Louis Walker
9:30 pm Toots & the Maytals

Rogers Stage
6:00 pm Mishka
8:00 pm Xavier Rudd

Subway Stage
6:30 pm Spencer Davis
7:45 pm The Yardbirds
9:00 pm The Zombies

Poll results for "Are You Taking A Summer Vacation This Year?", based on 66 responses....

17 votes(25%)......Yes - More Than 2 Weeks
14 votes(21%)......Kinda - I'm Taking Several Long Weekends
13 votes(19%)......No - I Don't Get A Paid Vacation
11 votes(16%)......Yes - 2 Weeks
11 votes(16%)......Yes - 1 Week

ViP Song:
8am: O.A.R. - Shattered (Turn The Car Around)
Noon: Taylor Swift - Love Story
4pm: Lady GaGa - Poker Face
8pm: Kelly Clarkson - I Do Not Hook Up

KiSS Club Question: Should Mexicans be required to have visa's to get into Canada?

Coldplay Week:
1am: Lost
3am: Viva La Vida
7am: Life In Technicolor
9am: Lovers In Japan
2pm: Viva La Vida
8pm: Lovers In Japan
10pm: Life In Technicolor

Word of the Day: Mishap
Community of the Day: Oxford Mills

Oldies 1310
5 @ 5: Marriage
Secret Word: Copy
Garlic King's Elvis Trivia: 1957
Brother Bob's Looney Toon: 6ft
Lincoln Field's Shopping Centre's Double Double: Smokey Robinson & the Miracles

Virgin Radio 106.9
7:50am - IceCube
11:50am - Lemonade
5:50pm - OurLadyPeace
8:50pm - Superman


Mr. Red said...

Good Morning Angel & all :-)

1am Coldplay Song: Lost!

3am Coldplay Song: Viva La Vida

Mr. Red said...

8am ViP Song: O.A.R. - Shattered (Turn The Car Around)

Mr. Red said...

7am Coldplay Song: Life In Technicolor

Angel said...

Good Morning Mr. Red & all :-)

Angel said...

9am Coldplay song: Lovers In Japan

Angel said...

2pm Coldplay song: Viva La Vida

Angel said...

12pm VIP song: Taylor Swift - Love Story

Angel said...

4pm VIP song: Lady GaGa - Poker Face

Angel said...

8pm VIP song: Kelly Clarkson - I Do Not Hook Up

Angel said...

8pm Coldplay song: Lovers In Japan

lovekitten16 said...

10 pm Life In Technicolor

lovekitten16 said...
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lovekitten16 said...
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