1938 - Toronto-born cartoonist Joe Shuster teams up with Jerry Siegel to create Superman, making his first appearance in DC Comics' Action Comics Series issue #1; the cost is 10 cents (collectors will pay almost $100,000 today).
ViP Song:
8am: Natalie Imbruglia - Torn
Noon: Katy Perry - Hot N Cold
4pm: Plain White T's - 1234
8pm: Missy Higgins - Where I Stood
KiSS Club Question: Should governments be bailing out companies like General Motors?
New Event:
Carleton Refrigeration, Heating & Air Conditioning (100pts)
Carleton Refrigeration, Heating & Air Conditioning bonus codes:
Tempstar (1000pts)
Rentalwaterheater (1000pts)
95%efficient (1000pts)
Word of the Day: Fire
Community of the Day: Pakenham
New Event:
Carleton Refrigeration, Heating & Air Conditioning (100pts)
Carleton Refrigeration, Heating & Air Conditioning bonus codes:
Tempstar (1000pts)
Rentalwaterheater (1000pts)
95%efficient (1000pts)
Oldies 1310
Secret Word: Calling
Garlic King's Elvis Trivia: L.C. Humes High School
Brother Bob's Looney Toon: Scram
Lincoln Field's Shopping Centre's Double Double: Tommy James
New Event:
Carleton Refrigeration, Heating & Air Conditioning (100pts)
Carleton Refrigeration, Heating & Air Conditioning bonus codes:
Tempstar (1000pts)
Rentalwaterheater (1000pts)
95%efficient (1000pts)
Virgin Radio 106.9
7:50am - BobMarley
11:50am - Pinacolada
5:50pm - Airplane
8:50pm - SeaShell
Good Morning Angel & all :-)
8am ViP Song: Natalie Imbruglia - Torn
Good Morning Mr.Red & all :-)
Carleton Refrigeration Bonus Codes:
TEMPSTAR, HEATILATOR, RENTALWATERHEATERI had an issue with the heatilator one though...
I'll keep looking.
Hi J.P. :)
The other bonus code is: 95%efficient
12pm VIP song: Plain White T's - 1234
So....the 12pm song is Katy Perry - Hot and Cold and the 4:00pm song is: Plain White T's - 1234
How, at 1:59pm, did you know the 4:00pm VIP song Angel?
At 1:59 they didn't have Hot N Cold by Katy Perry as one of the choices for the 12pm VIP song. I guessed Plain White T's 1234 and got it right. I guess they fixed it so I'll change the front page. Thank you!
Bonus codes for Carleton
TEMPSTAR is good
vip song for 08:00pm
Missy Higgins - Where I Stood
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