Thursday, May 07, 2009

On This Day In Canadian History....

1983 - Canadian-owned horse, Sunny's Halo wins Kentucky Derby.

ViP Song: No ViP songs today due to the Shelter From The Storm Radiothon
8pm: Matt Nathanson - Come On Get Higher

KiSS Club Question: Do you know anyone personally who has experienced domestic violence?

Word of the Day: Lungs
Community of the Day: Clayton

Oldies 1310
Secret Word: Sun
Garlic King's Elvis Trivia: Rusty Wells
Brother Bob's Looney Toon: A Billiard Table
Lincoln Field's Shopping Centre's Double Double: Hermans Hermits

Virgin Radio 106.9
Virgin Rock Rewards scheduled to start Friday May 8th


Mr. Red said...

Good Morning Angel & all :-)

If things keep going as they did last year, due to the depressing but unfortunately necessary radiothon - Shelter From The Storm - there will be no ViP Songs today with the exception of the 8pm song.

Angel said...

Good Morning Mr.Red & all :-)

Mr. Red said...

8pm ViP Song: Matt Nathanson - Come On Get Higher

Angel said...


You have mail! :-)