Thursday, August 14, 2008

Top5 + Canada Olympic Medal Count: Day 6
1: CHN - 22 - Gold - 8 - Silver - 5 - Bronze
2: USA - 12 - Gold - 10 - Silver - 15 - Bronze
3: GER - 7 - Gold - 2 - Silver - 3 - Bronze
4: KOR - 6 - Gold - 7 - Silver - 3 - Bronze
5: ITA - 6 - Gold - 4 - Silver - 3 - Bronze

53: Canada - 0 - Gold - 0 - Silver - 0 - Bronze

8am: Jesse McCartney - Leavin'
12pm: Lenny Kravitz - American Woman
4pm: All-American Rejects - Move Along
8pm: Kid Rock - All Summer Long

KiSS Club Question: Will you go to SuperEx?

RollCall: Andrew Squirrell
Community of the Day: Lombardy

Oldies 1310
Secret Word: Clip
Brother Bob Summertime Looney Tune: Singing a song
Meadows Golf Trivia: Encouraged

7:15am: Blackout
11:15am: Enzo
5:15pm: HalleBerry
8:15pm: Light


Angel said...

Good Morning Mr.Red & all :)

8am VIP song: Jesse McCartney - Leavin'

Mr. Red said...

Good Morning Angel & "lurkers"

Thanks to the polls I've been posting, I know it's not just me, Angel, JP, Devil, & Perky reading the KiSS Blog.

So to all you "lurkers", those who answered my recent polls and those who just read cause they're too shy to contribute, I and Angel invite you to come on in and at least say "Hi"

I know some (Myself & Angel included) consider posting a ViP Song or Weekend Bonus Code a race and may scare off a lurker or two with our typing and/or posting speed, but it is really say "Hi" and we'll welcome you with a "Hi" back. :-)

J.P. said...

12pm VIP song: Lenny Kravitz - American Woman

Also, "Hi" to everyone out there!

Angel said...

Hi j.p. :-)

Angel said...

4pm VIP song: All-American Rejects - Move Along

Mr. Red said...

8pm ViP Song: Kid Rock - All Summer Long

Kelly said...

Hey all !!!!