Saturday March 22
My second favourite B&E artist, only behind Santa Claus is the Easter Bunny and he is coming tonight. With visions of Allan's solid 1lb chocolate bunnies, Hershey's chocolate marshmallow eggs and of course those almost pure sugar candy pan-eggs, I can almost feel the sugar fueled diabetic coma coming on.
Kiss FM
Saturday Night Cocktail: EasterEggCocktail
New Event:
Ottawa Home & Garden Show (100pts)
Home and Garden Show Bonus Code: Napoleon (2500pts)
Easter Egg Hunt Bonus Codes:(500pts each)
Chocolate Spa Fantasy Winning Weekend Bonus Codes:
6am: Ham
7am: Turkey
8am: Dinner
9am: Potatoes
1pm: Hide
2pm: Swirl
3pm: Goodies
4pm: Supper
5pm: SweetTooth
6pm: Malt
7pm: Peanuts
8pm: MiniEggs
9pm: Jellybean
1am: Bold
The Bear
6am: Redial
7:15: Icky
8am: Graphics
9am: Screwdriver
10am: Yellowpages
11:15: WorldWaterDay
Noon: Upolstery
1pm: Replacement
2pm: Design
3pm: Assistant
4pm: GoodVibe
5:15: Tender
6pm: Golden
7pm: Message
8:15: Screen
9pm: WorldWideWeb
10pm: Demand
11pm Hookey
Sun OnLine: Known
Sun Paper: Land
6am Bonus Code: Ham
7am Bonus Code: Turkey
8am Bonus Code: Dinner
Good Morning Mr.Red :)
9am bonus code: potatoes
Good Morning Angel :-)
10am Bonus Code: Candy
11am Bonus Code: Caramel
11am bonus code: caramel
12pm Bonus Code: Indulge
12pm bonus code: indulge
1pm bonus code: hide
2pm bonus code: swirl
3pm bonus code: goodies
4pm bonus code: supper
5pm bonus code: sweettooth
6pm bonus code: malt
Saturday Night Cocktail: eastereggcocktail
7pm bonus code: peanuts
7pm code:peanuts
Compliments of caribbeangirl
Home Show bonus code: napoleon (2500 points)
8pm code:minieggs
8pm bonus code: minieggs
9pm bonus code: jellybean
8 pm KISS Code: minieggs
9 PM KISS Code: jellybean
KISS Cocktail: eastereggcocktail
Your bonus codes for Sunday night: (Renee's blog)
6pm - caffeine
7pm - butter
8pm - hot chocolate
9pm - cadbury
10p - family
11p - milk
10pm bonus code: swiss
10 PM Code: swiss
10pm Bonus Code: Swiss
@ Angel & ViperVenum
Ladies, thank you for taking care of the blog while I was away running some errands and getting groceries.
red: your welcome
11pm Bonus Code: Creamy
Oh! Almost forgot, I saw the 1st sign of Spring today. The Dairy Queen on Merivale across from CJOH opened for the season, today. Woo Hoo! It's Blizzard season again!
11pm bonus code: creamy
@mr.red :)
You're welcome!
12am Bonus Code: Crunchy
12am bonus code: crunchy
1am Bonus Code: Bold
is anobody else having trouble logging on to kiss
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