Thursday, September 06, 2007

Thursday Sept 6
I'm Baaaaaaaaack

Kiss FM
8am: Pink - Who Knew
12pm: Gwen Stefani - 4 In the Morning
4pm: Justin Timberlake - Lovestoned
8pm: Matchbox Twenty - How Far We've Come

Kiss Club Question: Is it time to demolish Landsdowne Park? - If anyone hears what the ppl of Ottawa say as far as this vote goes, I'd like to know. Thanks
Yes = 35%
No = 65%

Jack Fm
RollCall: Christina Blunston
Community: Oxford Mills

Oldies 1310
Brother Bob: Sky

The Bear
7:15am: School
5:15pm: Desk

Sun OnLine: Stencil
Sun Paper: Pens
24hr Paper: Protractor


Melissa said...

Kiss FM 8am VIP Song: Pink - Who Knew

Melissa said...

Kiss Club Question:

As of 8:25 65% said No, it is not time to demolish Landsdown Park, and 35% said Yes.

Mr. Red said...

@ Crazyness

Welcome back, I was about to send out a search party!!! I figure in your case you'd prefer one led by a St. Bernard with a flask of Brandy or your favourite "pop" around it's neck.

Mr. Red said...

Just a reminder....If any one of you fine folks desire a $10 off Coupon for Mr. Lube, save yourself the 15,000pts. E-mail me via my link in my profile and I'll e-mail you the coupon back.

Josh said...

I'd be lying to you if I said it was good to be back.

Melissa said...

Kiss FM 12 noon VIP Song: Gwen Stefani - 4 In the Morning

Mr. Red said...

8pm ViP SonG: Matchbox Twenty - How Far We've Come

banterbill said...

The 4pm VIP Song: Justin Timberlake: Lovestroned

Minbari said...

KISS Newsletter Bonus Code: YOUANDKALAN