Monday, August 06, 2007

It's Monday, but it's the Civic Holiday Long Weekend Monday, thus the Monday blahs have been postponed until tomorrow. In the meantime KISS FM continues with the Colour Your World Winning Weekend. Only here can you learn about obscure colours like "heliotrope", "persian", "puce", "thistle", and "vermilion".

Kiss FM
8am: Timbaland - The Way I Are
12pm:Ton Loc - Funky Cold Medina
4pm: Rihanna - Shut Up And Drive
8pm: Gwen Stefani - 4 In The Morning

Colour Your World Winning Weekend Bonus Codes:
6am: Vermilion
7am: Wheat
8am: Chestnut
9am: MossGreen
1pm: Mahogany
2pm: Cosmic
3pm: Auburn
4pm: Arsenic
5pm: Liver
6pm: Gamboge
7pm: Harlequin
8pm: Klein
9pm: Carmine

BuskerFest 2007 Bonus Codes (500pts each):
Thursday: Smile722
Friday: Dance987
Saturday: Laughter560
Sunday: Juggling21
Monday: Fire853

Community of the Day:

Oldies 1310
Brother Bob's: Mix
Meadows Golf Trivia Answer: 4335 Hawthorne Rd

The Bear
7:15am: ColonelByDay
5:15pm: HogsBackFalls
8:15pm: Sapper

Sun OnLine: ColonelBy
Sun Paper: CivicHoliday
24hr Paper:
#1 Song of the Top20 Countdown: Linkin Park - What I've Done


Mr. Red said...

6am Colour Your World Bonus Code: Vermilion

Mr. Red said...

7am Colour Your World Bonus Code: Wheat

Mr. Red said...

8am VIP Song: Timbaland - The Way I Are

Mr. Red said...

8am Colour Your Worls Bonus Code: Chestnut

Trish said...

Good morning, How are you this grand drab looking morning? I see you posted the colour palette so that everyone could see the different colours vividly. The only thing is no one knows which colour is which, but who cares.

fightsfire23 said...

ottawa sun paper bonus code for aug 6 is civicholiday

Mr. Red said...

11am Colour Your World Bonus Code: Myrtle

Mr. Red said...

12pm VIP Song: Tone Loc - Funky Cold Medina

Mr. Red said...

1pm Colour Your World Code: Mahogany

Mr. Red said...

4pm KISS VIP Song: Rihanna - Shut Up and Drive

Helping1000 said...

compliments of the Y101 blog..

Colleen said...
Buskerfest bonus code for Monday is: fire853

9:20 PM

Mr. Red said...


KISS Club Question = 100pts
Do you give beggars money?

Mr. Red said...

8am VIP Song: Fergie - Big Girls Don't Cry

Mr Bill said...

@mr red
Someone at KISS is slipping. The KISS club question is back, but the KISS VIP 8:00am song is missing now ... WTF???

Mr Bill said...

Never mind ... it is there now