Monday, August 20, 2007

Monday August 20
Ok so now even more trees have changed color since Friday. Booooooo.

Kiss FM
8am: Gwen Stefani - 4 In the Morning
12pm:Madonna - Like A Virgin
4pm: Elliot Yamin - Wait For You
8pm: Amy Winehouse - Rehab
Limited Time Question: Is the computer a portal to evil?

Jack Fm
RollCall: Marie Purcell
Community Of The Day: Newboro

Oldies 1310
Brother Bob: Case
Meadows Golf Trivia:

The Bear
7:15am: GoFaster
5:15pm: Pogos
8:15pm: RollerGirls

Song Selection played at:
Sun OnLine: DrHook
Sun Paper: WackyShack
24hr Paper: Extravaganza


IAmListening said...

12:00 Kiss VIP song :
Madonna: Like A Virgin

Helping1000 said...


don't be surprised if the blog is not accessable around 4pm today, there is a message as follows:

Scheduled outage at 4PM PDT.

the outage is for upgrading and usually does not last too long.. :)

fella said...

White ball cap available now in the online store.

IAmListening said...

4:00 VIP song :
Elliot Yamin: Wait For You

cookie said...

Hello everyone!!

Just popping in to say hi!!! Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the summer!!

I had a blast at Walt Disney, but enjoyed Universal Studios soooooo much more!!


Talk to you all soon!!

crs said...

8pm song Amy Whitehouse:Rehab