Saturday, July 28, 2007

It's the Rihanna Winning Weekend. Enter this weekend's bonus codes by Midnight Sunday to win a trip to Montreal to see Rihanna in concert. If you can stand the pop pablum that is Umbrella, then I'm sure you'll enjoy it...

"You can stand under my Umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh)"

Kiss FM
8am: Elliot Yamin - Wait For You
12pm:Shakira - Hips Don't Lie
4pm: Elliot Yamin - Wait For You
8pm: Carrie Underwood - Before He Cheats

Rihanna Winning Weekend Bonus Codes:
6am: Sun
7am: Lovin
8am: Clinique
9am: GoodGirl
1pm: Umbrella
2pm: JayZ
3pm: Tricky
4pm: Music
5pm: Timbaland
6pm: Timberlake
7pm: Gillette
8pm: LiveEarth
9pm: Billboard

KISS Cocktail of The Night: Algonquin

Community of the Day:

Oldies 1310
Brother Bob: Power
Meadows Golf Trivia:

The Bear
7:15am: Hunt Club
5:15pm: BottleCaps
8:15pm: Bumper

Song Selection played at:

Sun OnLine: Firefox
Sun Paper: Cargo
24hr Paper:


cookie said...

Good morning all...

Have a super great day!!

I am off to La Ronde in Montreal... youppiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Mr. Red said...

Rihanna Winning Weekend Bonus Codes (courtesy of the Rogers Radio Blog)

6am: sun
7am: lovin

8am VIP Song: Elliot Yamin - Wait For you

Mr. Red said...

8am bonus code: Clinique

Mr. Red said...

9am bonus code: goodgirl

Mr. Red said...

10am bonus code: gonebad

Mr. Red said...

11am bonus code: secret

Typhoon said...

I suppose that everyone has already guessed this but 'umbrella' is one of this weekend's Kiss codes. Sorry, I couldn't resist trying it.

Trish said...

1pm umbrella
2pm jayz
3pm tricky
4pm music
5pm timbaland
6pm timberlake
The above were compliments of rogersblog

7pm Jillette

Cocktail: Algonquin

Just back from the Y101 bash, saw Ambush had my photo taken with Mark and Nida.

Anonymous said...

hey trish i was wondering if you made it
hope you are feeling better